
Today was our final day working with Engadi on construction and VBS. We completed moving the rock, making it ready for the next group to finish the project. Now that the rock is in place, a local worker will likely use it to reinforce the cages that form the wall. Nathan mentioned they need another load of rock, so the next group may continue the same task to complete the final layer for these homes. Being part of this project has been incredibly rewarding. I’m so grateful that our efforts will have a lasting impact on this neighborhood

For VBS, our main focus was to share the gospel in a meaningful way. We started with one of us giving our testimony during the large group teaching session. For the craft, the kids drew an evangelistic strategy called The Three Circles, allowing us to discuss our own testimonies as they worked. Then, Pastor Trent shared the gospel and invited them to accept Jesus. Across all three age groups, 17 kids made that decision—it was truly powerful! I know the Engadi staff will follow up with them, guiding and discipling them as they begin this journey.  This has been a great trip! 

Fun fact…. I’ve lost my phone…. I’m pretty sure its on the bus.  I’ll find out tomorrow morning so cross your fingers with me.  That’s why there are no pictures today.  If my phone is found, I promise to post a ton of pictures tomorrow.  We get to be tourists tomorrow!

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1 Response

  1. Lynn Buchanan says:

    Girl you better find that phone 😂! Trent sent Chris D. a picture of Madison teaching the gospel. I’m so proud of her. Wow 17! That’s so exciting. Have fun today!

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