Time to Fundraise

Mission trips are incredible and life changing but also expensive. While making the decision to go on mission is easy, finding the funds can be more challenging. When Madison and I made the decision to go on this trip, she agreed to take on the responsibility of fundraising. I believe that most people will be more than willing to donate to Madison. If her trip can be fully funded, Mark and I will only need to focus on covering my costs, which is much more manageable.

In brainstorming ideas, we landed on two that we have developed into full blown campaigns.

1) T-shirts – Madison has designed the most incredible t-shirt, which we are selling through a company called Bonfire. She did an amazing job and I personally think they are the coolest shirts ever! Madison aimed to create a shirt that anyone can wear at any time, rather than something so specific to our trip to Guatemala that it requires an explanation each time you wear it. If you support missions and believe in the call of the Great Commission, you will love this shirt and, hopefully, wear it often. CLICK HERE to purchase a shirt!
Goal: 100 t-shirts = $1200 (approximately)

2) Prayer Bracelets – Madison has designed a stunning bracelet! We found a bead featuring the Guatemala flag and the inspiration flowed from there. She has been diligently crafting bracelets every day. We are selling them for $10 each, and the bracelet comes with a card explaining how you can pray for us and connect with us (which brings you to this website). You can contact me directly to purchase a bracelet, and we accept cash, checks, or Venmo. Our hope is that you will think of us and the Guatemalan people every time you wear it. We are asking everyone to commit to wearing it during our trip so that we will be continuously covered in prayer while we are there.
Goal: 100 bracelets = $1000

If you are here reading this post, we know that you have already committed to supporting us. Thank you so much for that! If you would like to support us in a more direct way, please feel free to click the donation links located on the side (for computer users) or at the bottom (for mobile device users) of this page. You can regularly check our progress to see where we stand and how we are progressing toward our goals. Once again, thank you for your financial support. We truly appreciate every prayer you send our way.

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